...سيد لأي اختراق أو أصلا مسألة إحياء الاتف...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Mr. for any breakthrough or in the first place the issue of reviving the nuclear agreement in the seventh round as long as the Iranian positions continue in this way and in addition to all
00:08What we have heard from Dr. Hani, there is a large increase now in centrifuges,
00:13There is a near absence of the issue of international control on the Iranian nuclear program now. How does Washington see all these obstacles?
00:26I think that when we look at Iran, which raised the level of enrichment and centrifuges, we saw that happen after 2018 under the administration of Trump, when the United States withdrew normally from the agreement
00:45multilateral and re-impose sanctions on Iran. When
00:50launched the campaign of maximum pressure, and this prompted the Iranians
00:56as of 2018, with the re-launching of the nuclear program
01:03So overcome the obstacles that you have not overcome before. Therefore, the campaign of Yahweh did not succeed and led to the expansion of Iran's nuclear capabilities
01:14This has led to the prevalence of tensions in the region. Thus, the biden administration was
01:20thinking of returning to compliance with the nuclear agreement and stimulating the Iranians
01:26the exercise of self-restraint and the reduction of nuclear capabilities. Analysts are wondering why when I arrived
01:39President Biden to the presidency, and as he did with a lot of things that Ram's administration had local decisions? Why
01:47did not sign an executive order that returned the United States to comply with the nuclear agreement, and this
01:56led to confusion between the analysts and also between the Iranians, who had this expectation to the site
02:04the Iranian side is that the United States did not respect the agreement and that it should come to Vienna and demand more
02:13to resolve the nuclear issue and deal with the sanctions and talk about the activities
02:19the regional and missile program is not in line with what is expected from these negotiations.
02:27If there is a lack of trust between the two sides,
02:31There may be an explanation in the next round of negotiations, and this brings me back with you, Dr. Eric, for fear. the Iranian fat from, I mean,
02:42even if an agreement was reached in this seventh round or the revival of the agreement, the joint plan of action,
02:49to retreat from these efforts if the Republicans were to push or change the president in the coming years.
02:56Here, I would like to ask Dr. Hani, I mean, in light of the presence of this hypothesis?