...واشنطن ستواصل دعم مطلب الشعب السوداني بإ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00washington will continue to support the demand of the sudanese people for the restoration of the transitional authority led by civilians .
00:11We have with us now from Khartoum, Al-Tayeb, with the first and direct question about the situation on the ground. It seems that the protests
00:20The demonstrations are a re-run of the streets of Khartoum today.
00:26Yes, how? The protests have been ongoing since the early morning. Since 8 a.m., there were protests
00:33Full-time, a number of Khartoum's three cities, Darman and Bahri
00:39and Khartoum. These protests have become more intense, holding a prayer
00:44at noon the Friday prayer, where special double numbers came out
00:50in Al-Ansar mosque in the region and the south, which is the stronghold of Al-Ansar and the stronghold of Al-Ummah Party.
00:55I mean, these demonstrations came out. There were three slogans for this
01:00the demonstrations. The first slogan was, I mean, condemning the actions taken by the army commander on November 25th. Excuse me
01:10There was also condemnation, I mean, the excessive violence that it carried out
01:15the police forces against the peaceful protesters yesterday, where fifteen people were killed
01:24I mean, demands for the return of the civil government and the return of Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamad,
01:30In the morning, there was a teaching of some streets, and there was a direct rejection of the statements made by
01:39Made by the police chiefs or the Sudanese police chiefs
01:44who said that the police forces did not use firearms and that they used what is allowed according to
01:53To the law. But as I pointed out in the previous intervention
01:57After the return of the Internet service yesterday, there was
02:01I mean, there are a number of videos documenting the violations committed by these police forces in the course of their response to some questions
02:11young Sarah, until there is power
02:14that shot the peaceful protesters, but the police in the press conference do not reveal the identity of
02:22those military personnel and what do they belong to? The authority also indicated that it would conduct an investigation
02:30She indicated that she has information that will be revealed in due course. The forces of freedom and change indicated that she will be explored in a detailed statement
02:39I mean, all what happened during the coming days is that it has evidence that documents
02:43the violations carried out by the police forces will present them in the coming days. also indicated that it will run
02:52Police investigation, too. She indicated that she was conducting an investigation
02:55the investigation with the prosecution, but it is clear that there is