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  • 3 years ago
00:00and reached positive results. He has a simple comment. If you get one hundred four seats, we
00:07He'll ask you, why did you cause this rise or what led to this agreement? We ask
00:12And we do not say, I want to ask about the criticisms directed at your honorable person and your party. You also had famous statements in the past months, you said
00:22you will not accept to assume any government position. Your party was not leading the government
00:27And then there are alliances, which formed a party, I mean, the National Liberal Party is the one that leads the government. What do you think of this criticism?
00:38the Secretary-General implements what he wants. What he loves is what he dreams of, but the Secretary-General is always required
00:47I was wronged by my party because it decided to be in the government. Let us consider that a gift for political responsibilities is to lead
00:55my party inside the government and the one who implemented the decision
01:00I can only implement the decision. The model for the party fighter is not all the ideas. We all have dreams.
01:07I was hoping, I think, to work without any government responsibility, but when the party decided
01:14I had to be the model and the example of pain and implement the party's decision, and he really drew attention there. I want to tell you
01:22I am now comfortable in the government. I found myself something with a group, too
01:26our senior officials in the Ministry of Justice, who work alongside him from a very high moral, intellectual and legal level, opened this field to me and I fear it
01:36Now on a party
01:38from this practical pressure and more attention from the ministerial field than the party, and I will try to
01:46to find a solution to these problems. I feel a kind of remorse
01:50because I gave up a little bit of the party with the benefit of the ministerial work. Good, I want to ask you some final questions on the issue of foreign policy and on the issue of Corona in the issue of Corona.
02:00The government has decreed that the vaccine must be obtained to enter places
02:03General. In 2013, you were the head of the Legislation and Justice Committee or the Justice and Legislation Committee. Someone's talking about this in a restraining order
02:12freedom, even if it is against the selfishness of the individual by not getting a vaccine and transportation
02:17Infection. What do you think of the government's decision on the subject of the arid obligatory Mak public?
02:26Second, first, why
02:28We held the first meeting with the head of the government, I told him that I assured him that we must raise these precautions.
02:37And he had the same opinion,
02:39It is necessary to raise in order to get out of this dilemma for the market, David.
02:44The discussion was with us from the Minister of Health and the Minister of Interior and other ministers, and we decided to give everyone the opinion of the state, if the matter so wishes
02:55that it should provide all
02:57The terms of the possibilities are not to be opened.