...وألقى القبض على بشرط قبل قتله باربع وعشر...

  • 3 years ago
00:00He arrested a policeman before killing him 24 hours in October 1983.
00:07The new commander, Bernard Kord, was more radical than his predecessor, the deposed Maurice Bishop.
00:12After the execution, he imposed a curfew and ordered to kill anyone demonstrating in the street.
00:19The United States does not stand by as a spectator of this armed Marxist leadership
00:24which is in charge of the ruling, especially that it will not allow this to happen in proximity to it. In Central America
00:31The United States took the execution with a subterfuge and the Gaza State of Grenada.
00:36What happened in Grenada is like the hammer's relationship with the walnut, which means the entire force of the U.S. Army
00:45Used to crush this splinter
00:48On a small island in the Caribbean.
00:53The invasion of Grenada by order of Ronald Reagan probably sent a message to Castro
00:59Because the Cubans were in Grenada in great numbers.
01:04This was the first and only time the two sides faced a direct military confrontation.
01:12The Cubans are going down fast
01:19The General Assembly of the United Nations announced its explicit condemnation of the invasion of America and considered it a flagrant violation of international law.
01:27The members agreed
01:29One hundred and eight of them voted yes against nine votes against.
01:35The Americans are determined to ensure that Grenada does not fall under any communist authority.
01:41The clearing of Marxist supporters continued, and the remaining elements of the Grenada Army will be dispersed.
01:48Almost a week after the invasion, the Americans were satisfied that they achieved their main goals.
01:54But their constant presence was counted as weeks, not days.
01:59Grenada's first experiment began with capitalism since its independence
02:04the government
02:05after the withdrawal of the American forces on December 5, 1983, i.e. nearly two months after the invasion
02:12It would take the island in a corrupt capitalist system
02:16where unemployment and drug trafficking will spread among young people today
02:21Grenada is experiencing good economic development thanks to tourism and the export of nutmeg.
02:29Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:43Good evening, a new day of work. We will start with you and carry