...هي وفرنسا بالانفتاح مع الروس وبالتالي تح...

  • 3 years ago
00:00along with France by opening up with the Russians and thus achieving a balance in the US-European-Russian relations.
00:07if it wasn't for the german and french role , the kremlin might not have come to pressure for a position . and Dr. Mohammed
00:13It seems that the scene is complicated, as you are trying to tell us,
00:19especially that Germany has suspended the nordholstrim project, and we know this project
00:26its importance for the Germans, and therefore the German reaction, in your opinion, to what extent will it be held from the crisis,
00:35and that it might be a means of pressure for
00:39the other parties to review the course of the steps taken?
00:49There are similarities between international relations and physics.
00:53Isaac Newton once said to each action a reaction in the opposite direction.
00:59It seems that there is an organic link between the refugee crisis on the border and the future of the Nordholstrim line, the gas pipeline from Russia
01:09to the European Union. And what I read today in
01:13the meeting or in Merkel's call with Putin is that
01:18The refugee crisis must be resolved, and President Lukashenko responded immediately.
01:24Why? because Germany threatened that if the situation continues as it is, it might reconsider
01:32in the draft constitution in full. Open your R.M.
01:35the Russians from a strong deal, and it is not only a financial and economic deal, but it is also a strategic deal
01:43a strategic paper because Putin believes that
01:47can attract the Germans and the French more than the rest of the countries, especially that he is relying on the division of the Western system, that some Europeans
01:57they want good relations with the Kremlin, and that
02:00Biden's government in Washington wants to remain antagonistic between the Americans and the Russians, and wants
02:07also to keep Europe with it in its ranks, even if it is now
02:10the europeans are upset with the coalition . Dr. Muhammad is the German step. This escalatory move is matched in the other prank
02:20belarus threat to cut off gas to poland .
02:26In your opinion, will Russia take this direction without Russia?
02:30This was a strategic option, the second crisis was the refugee crisis and then cut that gas pipeline. but
02:39If we hope
02:41Now the new changes and the speed of response by a government of half by dismantling the tents and starting to deport
02:50five thousand and also an attempt to calm the situation with Poland.
02:55This is an indication that the issue at the end of the day is that