...[UNKNOWN] مع القضايا الرئيسية يظل كلها م...

  • 3 years ago
00:00[NARRATOR] With key issues, all remain linked to the United States of America
00:05and its policy towards China and the China Sea, and it is unacceptable for the United States and China's expansion
00:11in the China Sea in Japan, Korea, and Australia, the regions that are considered the allies of the President of the United States.
00:18Ok, stay with me my honorable guests, a final break in this episode. We will return after that to discuss. what are the features of the future american - chinese relations after this summit ?
00:27Are we talking about calming down? Perhaps we are talking about another stage of escalation, and then we will return to what is left of the discussion with us.
00:45Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:47Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:54Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:05the Mediterranean Sea
01:14he flies over the streets of modern cities
01:17and its historic archaeological sites
01:21on a tour in the country of art and beauty.
01:30Like you've never seen before
01:35Italy from the top five, Saudi Arabia time, on the east
01:48Welcome to the first session of the decline in the East with Bloomberg on the light of Amman and the beginning of the headlines: Let's take a look at the dealings of the Gulf markets for today's session
01:59Gains on the Saudi market and Habiba
02:02Many transformations and money markets.
02:09The difference with our colleague Fahd has made sharp criticisms to China directed by the US Secretary of State that the age of recognizing prices
02:17the surprise by the closer to the defense please god .
02:28We're today. I'm not a year old
02:44Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:46Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.