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  • 3 years ago
00:00Our point of view, but no,
00:02That's the paradox between the one-China principle and the one-China policy, but maybe these terms lie in changes, paradoxical changes
00:11Here I go to my guest from Jeddah, Dr. Abdul Aziz Saqr. What does this American-Chinese competition mean for
00:20to the Arab countries in various issues? Can you play on his contradictions
00:26without perhaps being exposed to American sanctions or American pressures for perhaps not being biased
00:32or rapprochement with China at the expense of the relationship with America? How
00:36Appreciate the attitude? your honor
00:40In addition to the previous point in which the US Congress said that a decision was issued after 79 Ad when
00:46The United States recognized China and its control over the region
00:51to allow the arming of Taiwan to defend itself. Also, the recent military maneuvers that took place in the Sea of China were subject to doubts
00:59By China and China, great warnings were issued, and they considered it playing with fire
01:03with regard to the Arab region. The relationship with China is still a buyer-seller relationship. In other words, China supplies consumer goods and buys from the region
01:13commodities for their needs, whether in oil and gas or some derivatives
01:18it also plays some roles with regard to development, but China maintained relations
01:25balanced to a certain extent, and its decisions with regard to the region were always balanced
01:31For example, in the 1990s, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, it abstained from voting, but it did not support the presence of international forces at that time. in Syria
01:40I followed private policy
01:42Russia hid around Russia in its decisions,
01:47expressed reservations on five international resolutions with regard to Syria and the situation at that time.
01:53But the development of the economic relationship is based on China's desire to reach important areas in the Arab markets
02:01whether in North Africa or in the Arab Mashreq or
02:05in the Strait of Bab El-Mandeb are present in this region, therefore
02:11has remained an economic relation with the establishment of the United States. It has no reservations about selling to China. Oil quantities
02:19or the relationship with from this side, but refuses to turn this relationship
02:24among its allies in the region with China as a strategic alliance, and we believe that the Sino-US dispute focuses on the strategic issues.
02:34Taiwan, Igor and Tibet
02:36Hong Kong, and these are all strategic issues in which the human rights dimension is sometimes used as a side, but
02:42the four main pillars in the american - chinese dispute . For me, it is economic to be
02:49in the exchange rate, the growth level. China needs a growth level between 7 and 8%. Albu Taxi, there is a need for protectionism
02:57and Pacific Sequeriti, and in this