...نفسها . أيضا المناورات العسكرية الاخيرة ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00The same. Also, the recent military maneuvers, which took place in the China Sea, were suspected by China, and China issued big warnings and considered it playing with fire
00:09with regard to the Arab region. relationship
00:12with China is still a buyer-seller relationship. In other words, China supplies consumer goods and buys from the region
00:19commodities for needs whether in oil and gas or some derivatives.
00:24it also plays some roles with regard to development, but China maintained relations
00:31balanced to a certain extent, and its decisions with regard to the region were always balanced
00:37For example, in the 1990s, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, it abstained from voting, but it did not support the presence of international forces at that time. in Syria
00:46I followed private policy
00:48Russia hid around Russia in its decisions,
00:54expressed reservations on five international resolutions with regard to Syria and the situation at that time.
00:59But the development of the economic relationship is based on China's desire to reach important areas in the Arab markets
01:07whether in North Africa or in the Arab Mashreq or
01:11in the Strait of Bab El-Mandeb is present in this region, therefore, there is still a relationship
01:19in the establishment of the United States. I do not have any reservations
01:23about selling to China, oil quantities or the relationship with from this side, but refuses to turn this relationship between the countries allied to it in the region
01:33with China as a strategic alliance,
01:36We believe that the Chinese-American dispute focuses on the strategic issues, Taiwan, Igor, Tibet, and Kun Kui, and all these are strategic issues in which
01:45after human rights in some cases as a side, but
01:49the four main points in the American-Chinese dispute. For me, it is economically in the exchange rate
01:57China's growth level needs a growth level of between seven and eight percent.
02:01Al-Bu Taxi must be protective and simple. Younisi reveals. And in these four major issues, they all remain linked to the United States of America
02:11and its policy towards China and the China Sea, and it is unacceptable for the United States and China's expansion
02:17in the China Sea in Japan, Korea, and Australia, the regions that are considered the allies of the President of the United States.
02:24Ok, stay with me my honorable guests, a final break in this episode. We will return after that to discuss. what are the features of the future american - chinese relations after this summit ?
02:34Are we talking about calming down? perhaps we are talking about another stage of escalation, and then we will return to what is left of the discussion with
02:53Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:58Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.