...المتحدة قررت الاعلان عن التدريبات ، وهي ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00The United States decided to announce the exercises, which is the first since Israel signed normalization agreements with the Gulf countries in two thousand nineteen,
00:09I wouldn't surprise Israel a little bit.
00:11All these exercises do not reflect specific fears about a future war, but reflect the generals' understanding that they need to improve their capabilities.
00:19especially after the change in the US policy
00:22Washington is replacing less interest in the region, and its readiness to use force against Iran will decline more quickly.
00:30he considered that diplomacy is a doctrine and not just a means .
00:36Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:40I don't.
00:43French President Manuel Macro discussed with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin during a telephone conversation that the crisis of immigrants on the borders of Belarus and Poland
00:52in addition to the issue of Ukraine.
00:55A statement by Al-Elysee said that McRae and Putin reached an agreement on reducing the escalation in the crisis of immigrants. Al-Elysee added that something bad happened to Putin
01:04France is ready to defend Ukraine's territorial integrity.
01:09in light of the crisis of the arrival of immigrants on the border between the two countries. Poland plans to start building a wall along the border with Belarus this year, the interior minister said.
01:20The Polish minister said the construction of the wall on the border with Belarus would begin this year.
01:25He added that the construction of the wall will take place 24 hours a day in three shifts
01:32with the participation of a number of companies to finish
01:38in an attempt to contain the crisis of immigrants. Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazimi meets with the Vice-President of the European Commission on the crisis.
01:46The media office of Al-Taqbal mentioned in a press statement
01:49that Baghdad is working on the voluntary return of all Iraqis trapped in several European cities.
01:55The statement also said that Iraq is looking forward to cooperating with the European Union
02:00to face the smuggling networks that target the Iraqis.
02:04The statement also stressed that Al-Kazimi discussed with the European envoy ways to strengthen cooperation between the two sides
02:11in all fields
02:13For you.
02:16This bulletin continues, and in it after a while
02:21US Secretary of State Dean, the Russian experiment for an anti-satellite missile, describes it as “apprehensive and destructive”.
02:40I don't.
02:47Oh, good.