...اكمال النقاش . اذا بين تركيا وإيران كما ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Continue the discussion. Between Turkey and Iran, as we mentioned, there are many outstanding regional files. This is what I am discussing now and asking
00:08My guest from Turkey, Mr. Bakir, this Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, tensions on the border
00:14between Iran and Azerbaijan. Is it possible for Turkey to play the role of the spectator or mediator and not the ally of Azerbaijan
00:22in order to perhaps support the return of better relations with Iran?
00:29Yes, Turkey was and is still playing a mediator role, but unfortunately
00:36the big difference between
00:40between Turkey and Iran, as you mentioned, it is not, as your honorable guest claims, that Israel and Israel
00:50I mean, Israel and Iran agree in terms of
00:53support for this, if it was in Lebanon, Hezbollah, if it was for Assad's regime
01:02or even in Iraq to the north of Iraq. government
01:06Talabani is very clear,
01:08Therefore, Iran does not, but when it is strong in
01:18In the Caucasus mountains and in the Bijan era, therefore, you want false and illogical allegations to stand
01:27Stop the Turkish advance
01:30to Al-Qafqas, especially in the recent period, that there is support to isolate the last bijan with a security that has a direct relationship in Al-Qafqas. g
01:40If there is a Turkish advance that is already troubling Iran in the Caucasus,
01:45What is Turkey going to do about this matter? And if we continue to talk dear, we must not. My question is if we are still talking about a reality on the ground, we must find that this dispute,
01:58this dispute since the popularity is one
02:00It's not new. When these republics resigned in the Caucasus, Iran stood before them
02:07in order not to resign, and not to be for them
02:12the word, especially from the political, military and economic points of view. Go ahead
02:19I also want to ask you, Mr. Bakir, now all these efforts are being made in order to bring about the continuation of this rapprochement. Right now
02:26the attempts of rapprochement between Iran and Turkey, but the Turkish-Azerbaijani rapprochement reflects negatively on Iran's economy with regard to
02:36by preventing the Turkish authorities from entering Iranian trucks through all the border crossings since October,
02:42Does Turkey intend to change this strategy on the ground? perhaps opening these crossings, changing the strategy
02:49even if it maintained its strategic orientations in the Caucasus
02:55Dear lady, Turkey is