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  • 3 years ago
00:00To secure a third term in office. Biden is preparing for the midterm elections for Congress
00:06next November, which the Democrats fear will lead
00:10to their loss for the majority.
00:17Joining me now here in the studio of Walid Numan, a regional adviser in the political economy at Coventry University in Dubai. welcome Waleed
00:24And we talk a little bit about the expectations of this summit, it has no summit
00:29A meeting was actually opened in which not the first meeting, the two know each other, they know the things that they asked each other to do.
00:38We're supposed to be expecting her to meet
00:42Originally. Expectations are not raised. I mean, the expectations must be
00:47focused on, I mean, the attempt to run the Congo, I mean, the competition that intensified between China and the United States, especially in the past few months, politically and strategically.
00:59When the two presidents speak, therefore, they clarify the positions, they clarify
01:06after the vague statements that were made in the past months.
01:11Therefore, the expectations will be, I mean, in terms of trade, I think that China needs more, the United States in this field.
01:20China wants to raise tariffs, especially China's economic situation
01:24Despite some positive numbers, he still didn't come out of the bottle neck. I mean, with, as a delegation, and the problem of three supplies at the same time, China wants
01:34do you want to understand
01:35the American President's remarkable statements on aviation, because the American President said in the next few weeks that Taiwan
01:44that the United States is ready to defend to see that this is a violation of an American policy for about forty years.
01:50The establishment of Annapolis means that America understands with China that it only recognizes the Beijing government, and this is a dangerous statement. Therefore, the President
02:00the Chinese will try to understand the American position and will try accordingly to draw up a plan to deal with the situation.
02:07I mean, you hope that it will reach a stage that I will see
02:11Where there will be more convergence than divergence to something. I mean, we have of course witnessed the meetings that took place with Putin
02:18Previously between Biden and Putin. The meeting was
02:21I mean the walls are kind of positive. But the results, without changing anything, God willing, they will be
02:29It's kind of a different situation. But Saleh's army said that
02:33Between the two countries, in Kobe Tishrin is strong and they are competing.
02:41I mean, they are simply competing to lead the world order. Yes, the first economy and the second economy in the world are trying
02:50Everyone is trying to maintain his position and try to benefit from the imbalances in the second party
02:55China, China strongly believes that the United States is in a state.