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  • 3 years ago
00:00Second, you found out my second question was, does it make sense? Today, you are talking about the logic of politics and the logic of the revolution that came out against him, but
00:09This nomination seems to be popularly accepted, and this strange question today and the big question mark. How do you explain this?
00:22It is not logical. It is part of this absurd scene that Libya has been living since 2014 in the wake of the coup on the legitimacy
00:31Elections by
00:34the groups of Al-Dhaleh and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular, which aborted the dreams of the Libyans in building their state,
00:43the continuation of democracy and its march which they started since the year
00:47when they seized the National Congress and formed the Islamic blocs or political Islam inside this miserable body which
00:56failed to achieve any kind of stability in Libya or
00:59rebuilding the institutions that were destroyed over four decades. This nomination comes within this absurd Syrian scene witnessed by Libya since the year
01:09And fourteen.
01:10There is a complete rejection of the return of the regime, and this is what appeared in a costume similar to that which indicates that it is on the same approach, and I am the fall of it.
01:19And this is the approach that destroyed Libya for four whole decades
01:23he referred it to Jabab and to the destruction of no institutions, no state, and no infrastructure
01:28And we have nothing from even the poor countries, what is wrong with you, Libya is an oil country, a country with capabilities and capabilities
01:36It became this way, and what we're living today is a product of the 40 lean-back choirs. You know that there is today and who
01:46Part of the system of government
01:47Those who say that I am interested in engaging with you in this debate, we need to know from where these ideas come from, that there are those who say today that
01:55the crisis today or the failure that it is experiencing
02:00Libya made them yearn for the days of Gaddafi and reject the days of the revolution, if the expression is right.
02:07How can you respond to how you look at this point? You heard her
02:16Unfortunately, the voice is not clear, but I am working hard to understand your question. I am telling you my dear sister that
02:25I mean, there is no longer, there is no longer political isolation,
02:29From the followers of the former regime, they returned to the political life and assumed leadership positions, including ministers and ambassadors
02:36and who are the officials in the institution, the security and military state
02:40this is the truth, and no one calls for isolation, but to return to crime, to crimes against the Libyan people, to what the Libyan people called
02:50To drink from the sea, if he doesn't like the system
02:52he was born in the dictatorial repression , who threatened the libyans , and that the back of a tank and the spread of weapons .