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  • 3 years ago
00:00A legit one of hers.
00:03More recently, pharmaceutical attacks on U.S. government institutions and companies have increased. At the beginning of the year
00:10A pirate tried to poison a water treatment plant serving parts of the San Francisco Bay area.
00:17two months later , a breakthrough linked to microsoft's x - sheng server was made by chinese hackers
00:25Tens of thousands of companies, government offices and schools in the United States.
00:30For its part, the American Administration announced a state of emergency in May following an electronic attack to demand ransom on the largest fuel pipeline
00:39which provides forty five percent of the diesel fuel supply
00:43And jet fuel on the east coast. in the same month , microsoft announced a new cyber attack
00:50it was exposed to about one hundred fifty parties between governmental agencies
00:54and American research institutions, companies and non-governmental organizations warning of new attacks.
01:01In July, he targeted a large-scale cyber attack
01:05the us company of ksc to represent more than one thousand other companies of its clients .
01:10the perpetrators of the attack demanded a ransom , which caused the closure of giant companies and shops .
01:15Finally, hackers hacked into an FBI e-mail system
01:21It sent tens of thousands of messages warning of a possible cyber attack
01:26According to security specialists
01:30Facebook and Instagram launched a Middle East and North Africa campaign to prevent child exploitation through the Internet.
01:38The websites urge users to report harmful content and non-participation of children.
01:44This is part of a new protection or campaign to protect children from abuse and exploitation.
01:58Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:30Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:39Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:45The end of the bulletin, and I saw in it
02:50The Tunisian street is divided, and Saeed warns of an attempt to sow sedition in his country
02:56Demonstrations against the President's decisions