...تقرير لمجلة نشرة الإنترنت قال إن الولايا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00An Internet magazine report said that the United States and its NATO allies are implementing measures that encourage leaders in Kiev
00:08to believe that they have strong Western support in their confrontation with Russia
00:13and the separatists backed by Moscow. The magazine confirms that the conflict between the Ukrainian government and the separatist forces in the region of Dam Bass,
00:21Who's been on a quiet fire for the last few years
00:25Thanks to the fragile Agreements of Minsk, it returned to the forefront strongly due to the American support and the NATO, amid speculations raised by those
00:34that Russia might
00:36By invading Ukraine. The magazine described the strategy of the Western leaders towards Russia as reckless and caused great fears among the officials in the Kremlin.
00:46confirming that the arms deals of Ukraine
00:49will be a cause of instability in that region. The magazine monitored the dates of the Russian military deployment near the Ukrainian border
00:58which it said is growing as soon as an arms deal is announced to support Ukraine,
01:04She explained that arms sales are one of several elements supporting me, how, on the part of the United States and some of its NATO allies
01:13including war maneuvers.
01:15Ukrainian troops were raised in NATO military exercises. The magazine confirms that you are not able to face Russia militarily
01:24no matter how much western support for the Ukrainian military forces.
01:28This support, however, prompts Ukrainian leaders to abandon prudence and launch a pre-scheduled confrontation in favor of the Russians.
01:43The Turkish presidency said that blaming Ankara for the ongoing immigration crisis on a border between Russia and the European Union is misleading and inappropriate
01:53Also. This comment came after Turkey's decision to prevent the nationals of Syria, Iraq and Yemen from traveling through airports
02:00Turkey to Egypt after the European Union pointed out that there are countries that facilitate the entry of refugees to Egypt and from there to Poland.
02:10In response to the European accusations against Russia of being involved in the crisis of immigrants, Russian President Vladimir Putin denies any role for his country in that crisis
02:19Also. Putin added in statements that the European leaders should hold talks with Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko if they are willing to resolve the crisis.
02:29The European Union had accused Moscow of helping Minsk in the crisis of immigrants, threatening to take punitive measures in case this was proved.
02:49I don't.
02:51Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.