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  • 3 years ago
00:00reducing the dependence on fossil fuels, and not,
00:09But we need some kind of
00:13guarantees of the commitment of States. What are the guarantees
00:18I mean conference resolutions. the climate is not directly secure for the countries, and when they leave each country to set its own goals
00:27to be compatible with the goals and objectives of the plan
00:31Some countries are usually poor countries? and the developing ones are the ones that have the most
00:38to implement the agreement, and it is also the biggest victim. So that means
00:43the major countries and the oil exporting countries or the coal producing countries Australia
00:51or the ones or India, for example, which
00:55It's one of the largest emitters.
01:01This agreement in general contradicts our political line or what was planned
01:06Economic development with that. I mean, there is always a kind of non-compliance or withdrawal from the agreement or beautifying the work of the convention
01:17it depends it depends it doesn't
01:19I mean, even the political or economic necessities.
01:24Mr. Zaher, there are many vague and unclear concepts, and some details are missing, perhaps during an agreement. but
01:32I mean, there is a very mentioned term, which is ineffective support
01:37And get rid of the relentless opening. What do these concepts mean, especially that he was in a talk
01:47in the circles, I mean, who are specialized in climate change
01:53about the lack of understanding or that these concepts were not clear to them?
02:01Yes, I mean, the term is like the phase-out. There is no, I mean, the Gulf of the road map or a working map to implement specific measures.
02:11Sometimes they were
02:13they say in 2030, or the countries say that we would have gotten rid of the fossil fuel in 2005, and other countries say that two
02:22The word “phase out” is not clear. There is no
02:27did not deviate from any of the previous twenty five revolutions and even the twenty third conference, which is currently the road map
02:36countries are committed
02:38I mean, all of them are implementation, so that there will be an evaluation of the size of the emissions, and there will be a clear understanding of this process
02:48And even the term support, unlimited support means states
02:53and especially the countries of the islands that are threatened
02:59By drowning.