...القمة وجهت واشنطن تحذير جديد الى بكين بش...

  • 3 years ago
00:00The summit sent Washington a new warning to Beijing about the pressure the latter is exerting on Taiwan.
00:06This warning was conveyed by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to his Chinese counterpart
00:11during a phone call he made in preparation for the presidential summit.
00:15For his part, the Chinese minister said that Washington should stop sending wrong signals on Taiwan
00:21As he put it.
00:24The Chinese president is entering the summit with Baidun and holds a historic support from the ruling Communist Party. The Party Central Committee has concluded its annual meeting
00:34to adopt a resolution, which is the third of its kind
00:37A year, the party, the army and the entire people call for a closer union around the central committee, which the president is at the heart of
00:48The historic renewal of the Chinese nation, as stated in the text.
00:53The media also praise Chi Xinfen's thought, saying it represents the essence of culture
00:59And the Chinese spirit.
01:03Joining us now from New York. Anthony Sassin, Karim Sher's chief investment strategist, of course they have investments
01:10Old. Welcome back, Anthony
01:14Let's start where you just finished. The confirmation now is the selection of Ji Jianping as president
01:24And a leader, rather
01:26For the rest of his life. Of course, this was mentioned in the previous decision. But now this confirmation from the General Meeting.
01:35Is it anything else? Does that mean that
01:39I have survivors among the ultimate power?
01:48Good morning. It hasn't been confirmed yet, but there's a way for him to
01:58He rules for a third term or a third State, maybe forever. This was to be expected
02:05from the previous meeting when they amended the rules. Therefore, this does not change a lot with regard to
02:14his powers or powers. he enjoys the powers and the full support of the communist party
02:20Chinese, but certainly he will enter his meeting with Biden with a stronger mandate from his country and a higher spirit of morale.
02:31There is no doubt that the timing of this meeting with Biden means a match or was chosen. maybe this date in particular because he had
02:40This is in the face of this confirmation, of course, from the people and from
02:44from the countries as I mentioned, but my question was when it was confirmed, does this mean that he has
02:53all the powers are absolute i mean
02:55His faithful reference? Could it be? Is it possible to provoke me