8 Ways to Give Back to Your Community (World Kindness Day)

Wibbitz Top Stories
Wibbitz Top Stories
3 years ago
8 Ways , to Give Back, to Your Community.
Whether big or small, performing acts of
kindness for the people around you not
only benefits them but also yourself. .
Research has shown that being kind to
others can directly contribute to a boost in
a person’s overall mood and wellbeing.
In honor of World Kindness Day, here are eight
ways you can give back to your community. .
1. Volunteer at Your
Local School.
2. Organize a
Community Yard Sale.
3. Donate to Charity.
4. Visit a Senior Center.
5. Coach a Local
Youth Team.
6. Tutor a Student.
7. Serve on Your Local
Community Board.
8. Organize a
Food Co-op
