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  • 3 years ago
00:00announcing that the Assad family will remain in its eye. The questions remain: Will the Syrian opposition and its forces adhere to the new constitution
00:08A dream that won't come true?
00:10Do they continue to rely on the international community, which is preoccupied with its own problems, crises and environment? In orbit? We know the details
00:19Mr. Salem Al-Maslat, head of the Syrian National Coalition. Hello, Mr. Wanted
00:25the rapprochement of some Arab countries with the Damascus regime. Is the Arabs involved in this crisis? Our people have full confidence in the brotherly countries that will not abandon the Syrian people. We want the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to push the political track and postpone the solution. There was a strange number, Interpol opened its office again. The system is able to execute criminal cases for every opponent. That's a problem.
00:47Some say that the Syrian crisis was completely killed and that Washington is busy with other things and will be the victim of a major international settlement. What is your opinion about the presence of Iran, and the presence of this is a problem for us
01:00the regime forces with the support of Russia and Iran
01:03a party such as Iran, how can it be a guarantor and witness the crimes committed against our people? We're not doing any disfigurement with this system.
01:12the orbit with two members Al-Ahmar, Friday 10 pm Saudi time on the east
01:23In a fast world ruled by interlocking and complex data. If you stop, he'll pass like you tried
01:33Political arguments and arguments whose real motives may be economic interests
01:43Its methods, forms, and means are changing.
01:47Over time we'll see the ducks of events. We understand her motives and try to translate them
01:56For investment opportunities.
01:57Here, you don't miss a thing
02:00Absolutely with me. I'm not booked in east with Bloomberg
02:06East-west from Sunday to Thursday, 3rd Saudi time on the east
02:16With endless applications invading the technology of every aspect of life
02:24from data transfer and communication to transport and shipping
02:29And as this accelerated development changed, concepts that were thought of as a fantasy became a reality
02:40it opens to the stranger
02:41New tunnels.
02:44Technology is a new world
02:47In international science, tomorrow at 5 am Saudi Arabia time on the East
02:56A World Crowded with Young People