...الى ختام الرابط لليلة غدا يوم آخر وراء ب...

  • 3 years ago
00:00To the end of the link for tonight, tomorrow is another day behind with the latest news. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
00:22Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:41Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:45Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:51Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:54the syrian opposition force between qas d . Mm-hmm. Will. Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:58to return Bashar as the most powerful ruler, announcing the survival of the Assad family in its eyes. And the questions remain
01:05Will the Syrian opposition and its forces adhere to the new constitution
01:09It is a dream that will not be realized and that will continue to rely on the international community, which is preoccupied with its own problems, crises and environment in the long run.
01:18We know. We know the details
01:20Mr. Salem Al-Maslat, head of the Syrian National Coalition. Hello, Mr. Wanted
01:25the rapprochement of some Arab countries with the Damascus regime. Is the Arabs involved in this crisis? Our people have full confidence in the brotherly countries that will not abandon the Syrian people. We want the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which will not do the political track and postpone the solution.
01:39There was a strange number, Interpol opened its office again. The system is capable of handling criminal cases for all of my opponents. That's a problem.
01:48Some say that the Syrian crisis was completely killed and that Washington is busy with other things and will be the victim of a major international settlement. What do you think about the presence of Iran and Russia? That's a problem for me
02:01the regime forces with the support of Russia and Iran, a party such as Iran, how can it be a guarantor and witness the crimes committed against our people?
02:10We're not doing any disfigurement with this system.
02:13the orbit with two members Al-Ahmar, Friday 10 pm Saudi time on the east
02:22Humanity's dependence on carbon has had a devastating effect on the world's economy
02:30The dimension of the peoples of the islands was put at risk. A documentary showing us modern technology
02:38In the field of renewable energy
02:40The world away from their dependence on carbon
02:48Al-Hadith, 10:30 Saudi time
02:54on the east
02:57I am
02:58Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.