...الله يمسيكم بالخير . أشكركم على هذا اللق...

  • 3 years ago
00:00God bless you. Thank you for this meeting, I mean
00:04We have no doubt about the positions of our people, our brothers and our trust
00:11High in our families and brothers,
00:14In fact, the steps that have been taken or there is an intention to reach an agreement on the steps
00:23like this, we hope that
00:27they look at what caused this regime to this people. Half of Syria is displaced more than
00:35There are tens of thousands of detainees, hundreds of thousands of martyrs, this regime
00:45carries a dangerous scheme. The scheme is not only dangerous to
00:50on Syria, Lebanon, Iraq or Iran, but on Yemen
00:57But it is an Iranian scheme that carries and risks
01:01In fact, the Gulf Cooperation Council countries should be careful and alert
01:07Therefore, putting our hand in the hands of the regime,
01:12greater influence for Iran and Iran's influence even if it did not exist in a way
01:19Direct. but the management of Iran's arms
01:23It's everywhere. I repeat, our people have full confidence
01:31They won't give up.
01:34the brotherly countries will not abandon the Syrian people. This is their family in Syria. There is great suffering,
01:40There is a crime being committed on a daily basis against this people.
01:45We hope that some steps will be reconsidered
01:49could affect the Syrians and the Syrian people. I would like to ask you Mr. Salem about another theory or another hypothesis, and of course I raised with Mr. Hadi Al-Bahra and
01:58I mean, many Syrian symbols,
02:01There are those who are also talking about the Arab regimes. The Arab countries tried the Syrian opposition, but it found the opposition divided on itself
02:09several groups of the opposition, which cannot be unified in the first place,
02:14Therefore, the Syrian issue was cooled by those opponents,
02:18Therefore, it is also necessary for these countries to reconnect with the Syrian regime instead of communicating with several heads
02:24In a body outside the system. What do you think? I mean, we want from our people and our brotherly countries
02:34will be on the same stance of the Syrian people and the suffering of the Syrian people.
02:37As for the issue of the opposition, the opposition is not scattered as it is said or rumored
02:46we have a responsibility. We cannot throw responsibility on the countries. We have a responsibility to neglect here and there.
02:53The unity of the opposition is not something
02:57It's hard out there.