...بقاء عائلة الأسد في عينها . وتبقى التساؤ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the survival of the Assad family in its eyes. The questions remain: Will the Syrian opposition and its forces adhere to the new constitution, a dream that will not be realized?
00:09And do you still rely on the international community that is preoccupied with its own, its crises and its environment
00:15In range? We know the details
00:19Mr. Salem Al-Maslat, head of the Syrian National Coalition. Welcome, Mr. Al-Masri
00:23the rapprochement of some Arab countries with the Damascus regime. Is the Arabs involved in this crisis? Our people, which took place in the brotherly countries, will not abandon the Syrian people. We want the role of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to push the political track and postpone the solution.
00:38There was a strange number, Interpol opened its office again. The system is capable of handling criminal cases. All my opponents, that's a problem.
00:46Some say that the Syrian crisis was completely killed and that Washington is busy with other things and will be the victim of a major international settlement. What is your opinion about the presence of Iran, and the presence of this is a problem for us
00:58the regime forces with the support of Russia and Iran
01:02a party like Iran. How can you be a believer when we witness the crimes committed against our people? We are not from any distortion with this regime.
01:12the orbit with two members Al-Ahmar today again at noon Saudi time on the east
01:41Welcome back. Tensions in the Black Sea basin have increased over the past months,
01:48This was reflected in the increase in the number and size of naval military exercises
01:53whether they are Russian, Ukrainian, or Western joint. in the latest statements related to this issue. she said
02:00the Russian Defense Ministry that the military activity of America and its allies in the Black Sea region has increased
02:07announced the monitoring and the interception of four reconnaissance planes belonging to the NATO.
02:11The Russian Defense Ministry considered the exercises conducted by NATO in the region near the border of Russia
02:17as acts of aggression by the United States
02:21which constitute a threat to regional security, according to her description. Washington, on the other hand, asked Moscow for clarifications on unusual movements
02:29Russian troops spotted it near the border with Ukraine.
02:33Russia also warned against repeating what it said was a grave mistake like the one it committed seven years ago that ignited a war in eastern Ukraine. Big mistake
02:42as indicated by the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken
02:45that Russia is trying to repeat what it did in 2014, when it mobilized its forces along the border. When it entered the sovereign territory of Ukraine
02:55She said she was being blackmailed
02:58since 2014