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  • 3 years ago
00:00pressure on the index and not the foundation on the whole market. I mean, we are an influence on all indicators, that there should be some shares that affect
00:10They're back. That's pretty normal. we can go back in the year and come back up from
00:14of course the thing in gaza . This issue is also a matter of general neutrality by increasing that we, like we should not talk about inflation with standing. There are also levels
00:24It could have been gold. It could have been gold
00:27I wonder if these branches are going to America, something normal? Why? Because today we have the confirmation from the south of I say that
00:35we continue with the nose why not
00:38It didn't look at all the levels. We were not cut off to get it up to speed, and at these levels, we are in it. Think about all of this
00:46He didn't have a cartoon interest, Kara C. He's going to count for gold at the same time
00:53the definition and not the idea of the interim and the idea of the temporary idea of inflation. dieter redder was the flash
01:01It hurts more than you pay. It is clear that the appearance of
01:05another candidate for this post after it was almost settled by renewal to say, in your opinion, will this change
01:14Public mood in Westry? Take both
01:18like what was also a shower in terms of interpretative monetary policy.
01:22In my opinion, regardless of who was there, I mean, who returned the chair at the end of the political process itself
01:29He held himself together because he's a little bit tied up. We're getting worse. I mean, today we have no interest. So we have to have the benefits of being the same seeds
01:38to a far-off level and
01:39All this rubble. Look at the long-term level, so we thought, but we need one side. is it low to some extent that they have
01:48I'm getting better, Tin
01:50and the unemployment rate is back to create jobs with full recovery until he mentioned a lot of important things first
01:57he's about five hundred and five
02:00a thousand public jobs were created in the month i mean we are going it is true that the speed is enough but we are in the right way
02:08i mean since about three corticals it should have been about us
02:11We deal semi-tariffally when they're five million jobs
02:19For all day. Applications for unemployment benefit that will release the data on the preliminary
02:23will give a clearer picture about the dynamics related to the American labor market and the provision of these unemployment benefits, especially that
02:34the aid or cheques that were described monthly a month ago. Therefore, this will give a clearer picture on what will return to the labor market.
02:45Nick Al-Khoury, head of business development and market analyst, joined the coalitions. Thank you very much, thank you for your presence in the studio this morning.
02:53After the break, one hundred ninety seven countries in ten years, I am talking about travelers.