...القاهرة وطهران . واضاف أن التدخل الإيران...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Cairo and Tehran. He added that the Iranian interference in the Arab countries has the opposite effect
00:06Egypt is closely following Tehran's policies and its ability to influence the situation in Yemen and Iraq
00:12Syria and Lebanon. About Turkey, Shukri said that it is an important country in the region, but Al-Nusra is concerned about its expansionist policies
00:21Over the last ten years.
00:26The ambassadors of the United States, Britain and Norway met with the Sudanese Army Commander Abdul Fattah Al-Barhan to discuss the political crisis.
00:34In a statement to the ambassadors of the three countries, they warned of the unilateral measures of the army
00:39They stressed the need for Hamad to return to his post as prime minister. The statement pointed out that the return and the work in the constitutional document
00:48that would reflect positively on the right path to organize elections
00:53at the end of the transitional period.
00:57the american envoy for the horn of africa , jeffrey feltman , expressed washington's concern about the escalation of the conflict in ethiopia .
01:04the pope , who is visiting addis ababa , encouraged all parties to the conflict
01:08to engage in dialogue and cease hostilities. According to the American official, his country believes that there is a small window
01:17to reach a peaceful solution
01:19through a mediation led by the African Union.
01:24The Chinese army has announced its readiness to carry out military patrols towards the Taiwan Straits. Beijing said that these patrols are aimed at a certain country
01:34Sends the wrong signals about the island file.
01:38In the same context, the Chinese Ministry of Defense called on the United States to stop what it described as provocative acts in the Strait
01:46could lead to further escalation.
01:50Thousands of immigrants gathered near the borders of Belarus at a time when the member states of the European Union called for more sanctions against Moscow.
01:59The spokesman for the Polish government confirmed that there are about three to four thousand immigrants
02:05near the border and more than ten thousand. Russia is ready to try to cross to Poland.
02:14The Tunisian General Labor Union announced a general strike in the public and private sectors tomorrow, Wednesday, in the town of Aqrib in the city of Safa a priest.
02:22The first official meeting is scheduled to be held on November 15th
02:28between a government delegation headed by the prime minister's son and a delegation from the General Labor Union,
02:34to discuss the agreements that are expected to be activated by the government.
02:39as well as agreements in the public sector and the reform of public institutions.
02:45The end of this summary, thank you for watching. Goodbye.