...إي راد العسكريين بالسلطة بعد حل البرهان ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Yes, the military wanted power after the dissolution of the two councils of sovereignty and ministers and the arrest of officials, headed by Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdoun
00:10who was later released but is currently under house arrest.
00:14The protest movement in Sudan rejected the internationally supported initiatives to return to the power-sharing arrangement with the army after
00:23This is the last move,
00:26calling for two days of strikes on the country level starting on sunday in response to the calls of the sudanese professionals gathering .
00:35Major rebel factions in Sudan that had signed a peace agreement last year also condemned
00:42the decisions taken by the commander of the army, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Barhan, and called for the release of the detainees.
00:50proposals put forward by the army, including the return of Hamad K. to head the government, but by forming a government with competencies and not a party government,
00:58This proposal was rejected by Hamad K. who said that he does not follow any proposal in light of the continuation of the recent army arrangements.
01:07He stressed his adherence to and full return to the constitutional document.
01:12A few hours ago, the Sudanese professionals' gathering presented a proposal, which he called the political declaration
01:19He demanded the selection of independent political figures to head the government
01:23and topple the authority of the military council peacefully and dissolve the rapid support forces
01:28and the formation of a council of ministers with competences and the formation of a parliament within two months
01:34and the cancellation of the constitutional declaration. The absence of mention in this initiative of professionals of keeping Hamad K. in the Prime Minister's office.
01:44However, the proposal is still on the table and is being studied by the political circles
01:48at a time when all international, regional and international efforts have failed to mediate between the civilian and military components. endeavors
01:58Status of the League of Arab States
02:01which also sent a delegation to visit Khartoum to succeed in finding a solution to the crisis.
02:06The Arab League delegation met with Al-Barhan today, who confirmed to them the commitment of the Sudanese armed forces
02:12to the democratic transformation and to protect the gains of the revolution is to achieve the aspirations of the people, as this delegation of the League hears
02:21in abdullah hamad kan
02:24Let us open the file of Sudan and remember the mediations in an attempt to bridge the gap between the political and military components.
02:32After the actions of the Sudanese army on the 25th of last October, nine mediations were activated
02:40sought to achieve an agreement between the military and civilian components,
02:44The most prominent of which are the movements of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Khartoum, who heads the Integrated United Nations Mission
02:54to support the political transition in Sudan
02:56a week after the army's procedures.