...أي نحو سبعة عشر مليون برميل يوميا ....

  • 3 years ago
00:00which is about seventeen million barrels a day.
00:02Most of the crude exports from Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Iraq pass through the strait, all of which are members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. The Strait of Hormuz separates Iran from the Sultanate of Oman and links the Gulf with the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. The width of the strait is thirty three kilometers at the narrowest part of it.
00:22But the shipping lane is only three kilometres wide in both directions.
00:27In the eyes of international law, the Strait is part of the high seas, and all ships have the right and freedom to pass through it, to the extent that it does not harm the safety of the coastal states or affect their system or security
00:37I think
00:47from Washington to talk about this issue with all my guests, also from Washington, Mr. The trial of the former US Assistant Secretary of Defense, and from Riyadh via satellite, with us Dr. Mohammed Saleh Al-Harbi
00:59the strategic and security expert, and from Tehran via satellite, we have with us Mr. Musadiq Bor, the Iranian writer and political researcher. Welcome aboard
01:08we are all with us in this dialogue.
01:11First, I would like to start from Washington to understand what is happening today in your opinion
01:19Gulf of Oman in the Strait of Hormuz?
01:23Attempts by contradictory stories Iran says the United States of America is hacking a ship belonging to our oil ship.
01:32The United States of America says that Iran is the one that pirated a ship belonging to the Vietnamese world,
01:38Today, large-scale large-scale maneuvers on Kaka are being staged by Iran's land and air naval forces.
01:48How do we understand what's happening?
01:52First, the United States of America and the international community respect Iran's right
02:02in the establishment of these maneuvers in its territorial waters and on its territory. If
02:07the United States of America and the international community have what is the problem now and these fears
02:14related to Iran's use of these maneuvers and these exercises in order to scare or raid or perhaps destabilize in one way or another
02:24This area in these territorial waters is international waters.
02:29As you mentioned in the report
02:35The majority of crude oil passes through this region with these straits,
02:42This serves not only the region. But the whole world
02:46So now that the Iranian government, of course, will understand and understand that the naval forces
02:53It'll be destroyed if you decide to do an example.