...طيب ....

  • 3 years ago
00:02Oh, good.
00:17Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:22the post - epidemic world heralds a new era of green investments worldwide .
00:29afb stressed that the chinese attracts more foreign investments in india . Leadership in the case of the virus shook the nation
00:38Morning with a swim
00:41Economics. We find that the world's largest economy is ranked fifth in the space sector, where the competition in it is very similar in cooperation
00:49Human in the aftermath of the World War.
00:54the continuity of the most prominent work that
01:00And the opportunity for success and development in the Gulf markets, most of which are the Green Zone's trading in the past, how to have a big impact on the American financial markets.
01:10Carbon emissions return to their pre-incident levels in the morning
01:19Sunday through Thursday
01:218:00 a.m. Saudi time on the east
01:28You now see the orbit with the red aggression on the east.
01:50Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:00Good evening, and peace be upon you. I am the member of Red John
02:03In orbit
02:11Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:16The Sudanese went to their immigrants to stop the soldiers on the chairs. the screens and the news did not know the civilian pictures in Sudan,
02:25The army returned to the front to tell the world
02:28he knows his country's affairs after the departure of al - bashir . civilians accuse the military of obstructing the constitution document
02:36And the military see civilians as dreamers of democracy
02:39will not take place in the Arab world. The civilians describe what happened as a coup, and the army describes it as a correction of the track.
02:47Since the uprooting of the Muslim Brotherhood, new councils and authorities in Sudan
02:51and the head of sovereignty, ministers, and quick support, and each leader of his forces, media and loved ones, and hatred of the citizen is lost.