...كل الانتاج في المملكة المتحدة وهولندا وا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00All production in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, rising demand after the epidemic, and failure to rebuild stocks after a long and cold winter
00:08depleted stocks until April, according to Bloomberg
00:12However, the fingers of accusation were pointed to another place as well. For example, Russia is blocking supplies in order to ensure the European approval on the new pipeline
00:22Under the Baltic Sea
00:25Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:29Oh, good.
00:32In response to the Algerian decision not to renew the agreement to pump gas through the European Maghreb pipeline, Morocco said from the decision that its impact will be small
00:41On the country.
00:42In a statement, the Moroccan National Office of Electricity considered that Rabat made the necessary arrangements to ensure the continuity of the country's electricity supply, and that
00:52Other options for sustainable medium- and long-term alternatives will be studied.
01:00The Maghreb gas pipeline, which Algeria announced its suspension, used to provide about ten percent of Spain's electricity needs.
01:09But Algeria is seeking compensation through sea tankers and a dead gas pipeline.
01:15what are the most prominent figures ?
01:18Since 1996, the European Maghreb pipeline links Algerian gas to Spain via Morocco
01:27Its area is 13.5 billion cubic meters.
01:32Algeria announced the suspension of the extension of the natural gas contract, which ends on October 31st.
01:40Morocco benefits at a value of one billion cubic meters
01:44equivalent to ten percent of the Kingdom's electricity, while Algeria will continue its supplies to Spain directly
01:52Using an underwater gas pipeline
01:56with a capacity of eight billion cubic meters.
02:00The Algerian national company Sonatrach said
02:03that it will increase the capacity of the gas pipeline, such as gas to Spain, to 10.5 billion cubic meters annually by the end of November
02:14To reassure Spain about its continued supply of gas, Sonatrach said
02:19it will depend on its fleet, which can accommodate 765 thousand
02:25and one hundred seventy seven cubic meters until it finishes expanding the line
02:33The Algerian Peace Society Movement announced the submission of a draft law to criminalize colonialism coinciding with the anniversary of the outbreak of the liberation revolution on the first of November.
02:43The movement said that the proposal of the law and its legal implications
02:48Developed with the participation of a mixed group from and in the parliament, which included all political factions without exception.