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  • 3 years ago
00:00I have always preferred to cooperate with the United States, and I have asked the Patriot system of the United States
00:09it did not allow and did not give. Turkey needs to defend the missiles
00:15therefore, it had to buy it from Russia. If it did not do so
00:23The United States is approaching, even if it does not keep its promises
00:28Turkey is determined to buy it from Russia from others because Turkey is an independent country that has its sovereignty.
00:36Therefore, we see, for example, your honorable guest accusing Turkey of military movements in the Aegean Sea.
00:43the Aegean Sea, the Sea of Turkey, and Turkey defends its rights. This is a Syrian issue
00:52between Syria and from one to the issue of, I mean, in Syria
00:58Turkey is fighting terrorism. Unfortunately, the United States is dealing with terrorists
01:06in northern Syria. Al-Barazi sees in this issue that time does not allow me to discuss
01:12the details of the Syrian issue or the details of the Aegean Sea issue. There is a lot of disagreement. In fact, Mr. Rasoul Jamal I, we must discuss it
01:22No, no, go ahead. You clearly mentioned Turkey's position, which is already declared and known, but
01:27If we go into details, there's no time for this discussion. I want to go to Mr. Mehmed also on the issue of the US-Turkish relationship because
01:35Today, Turkey is described as not an enemy of the United States of America
01:39But she's also not the friend. Why is this status quo, or this form of relations, and how can it change
01:52a long-term ally of the United States, and it is a very important ally in
02:01as well as historical relations
02:04Hammah and Washington would like to preserve these historic relations. As for the Turkish position, as explained by the guest, it is a position
02:12It is clear that our position in Washington is that it cannot affect
02:19Technology may be vulnerable
02:22Russia through the use of the S-400 system, and this may pose a threat to all allies. Turkey is not under direct threat from any party. If there is a threat, it will come from Russia because Russia is threatening NATO.
02:38The Russian regime will not be effective against Russian missiles. If the issue should be clarified at the diplomatic level, there is a lot of diplomacy
02:48in the expected scenes in the next few weeks. I am confident that this relationship will last
02:54But we can expect more unrest. This relationship is in the light of