...نية سيكون استيطانيا ، بينما التجمعات الس...

  • 3 years ago
00:00will be settlement, while the Palestinian population groups are scattered cantons
00:10the roads are separated by the israeli army .
00:15Yes, Mohammed Dr. Ghameh, director of the East Bureau in Ramallah, thank you very much.
00:23Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:27Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:35washington showed the american license to one of the biggest telecommunications companies in china
00:42under the pretext of fears related to national security.
00:45According to the American decision, China Telecom should stop providing services in the United States within 60 days.
00:54Officials said that the Chinese government's control over the company
00:58it gave it the opportunity to access the american communications , store them , disrupt them , or disrupt them by misdirecting them .
01:06China Telecom, for its part, described the company that provided telecommunications services in the United States
01:13About 20 years ago, the decision was disappointing.
01:21The tension between the United States and China in the communications sector started with the start of the commercial war and focused on the majority of it
01:30about security concerns
01:32from the control of the Chinese government on companies that may harm the US national security.
01:42with the start of the trade war between china and the united states ,
01:46Washington moved in an escalating direction to take a decision on December 30, 2018
01:53prevents China's Huawei oil company from buying smart and mobile phone processors
02:00from the American Technology Company, Kowalcom.
02:02On January 1st, 2020, the American army prevented its members from loading and using the Chinese “Tuktuk” application on orders issued by the Pentagon
02:12For security reasons. Political parties have also warned their employees not to use the controversial application.
02:19On December 18, Washington decided to include a fish company, the largest chip manufacturer in China,
02:27on the blacklist, thus limiting China's access to American technology and less than a week before his departure.
02:35Rambo added nine other companies on January 15, 2021
02:40to the blacklist including Shumei Company, the third largest mobile phone manufacturing company in the world.
02:47the biden administration was not immune from the security concern from china .
02:51Less than three months later, the Federal Communications Commission warned that it might close the giant China Telecom