...عدم معرفة اين مكان حمدون اليوم ؟ خرج الب...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Not knowing where Hamdan is today? The proof came out and he was in his house, but
00:07He moved or ordered the proof to move Hamad to Al-Barhan's house in the guest house.
00:13this was due to security threats and threats to protect his safety . The proof also explained that this is now the breaking news.
00:22Sudanese sources to the east say That if we protect Duke, he's heading now
00:26to his house in Khartoum, in the sense that he got out of Al-Barhan's house and headed to
00:32His own house. Of course you'll know more. Is it a house arrest? Do
00:37He'll be allowed to talk to the media? How's that gonna work? Let's continue the subject with us
00:45If we just explained the political parties in Sudan and the complex scene and the armed movements, but
00:53Also there on the street level. The calls for demonstrations and civil disobedience in Sudan are still ongoing,
01:01We won't stop for a while. Do we know what civil disobedience is? the most prominent of what he used and what he achieved in the history of peoples and countries.
01:12Civil disobedience is the conduct of a group of people who refuse to sell the law or pay taxes.
01:19It was a peaceful way of expressing their opposition to the laws or taxes in question
01:25Through this step, the people aim to persuade the government to change its policies. Opponents of the idea of disobedience
01:33They see it as a kind of property damage.
01:37As for his supporters, they find him effective in changing the policy of the authority within the famous civil disobedience operations.
01:45The one that the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi followed
01:48who demanded in the year 1906 the Indian workers in South Africa to refuse to give their fingerprints
01:57In application of a racist law.
01:59Martin Luther King was also
02:01Civil disobedience was used to refuse to obey racist laws in the 1960s.
02:17on all the statements. The proof today had a wide impact among the Sudanese to go to the social networking sites.
02:24We can draw a picture of the dialogue and the opinions that are now spread among the Sudanese, and of course all
02:31who are interested in this Sudanese issue. Recent Major Developments
02:36This is on Twitter. Khaled says what Al-Barhan said about correcting the course of the revolution according to what the people want will become clear with the days.
02:44We are waiting for Hamadoun's comment to be very important, and we are waiting for his opinion on what happened and the plans that will be implemented. As for Ahmed, he says
02:53Also on Twitter, the proof and its decisions
02:56He is the only savior of Sudan in the rise of human beings.