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  • 3 years ago
00:00I'm going to come up with this initiative.
00:04It's a platform for making the biggest deals in the world. I am sure that for example, the founder of Beit Bhutto called the euro
00:12he runs a portfolio worth more than nine hundred billion dollars . Colleague Hani
00:17We also have some portfolios, for example, the governor of the Saudi Public Investment Fund, which manages four hundred billion US dollars.
00:24Dozens of global fund heads and banks have billions of dollars in wallets,
00:29They are now holding side talks outside the framework of the official meetings, and it is precisely the platform that can result in projects
00:39We know in the third version, for example, of the Saudi Investment Forum
00:43deals were concluded with more than fifty billion dollars. This is a version in which the number of attendance was lower than what we are seeing today.
00:52Mohammed, what kind of investments? I mean
00:54What are we expected to find after this initiative of investments on the ground?
01:02A beautiful question, Hani, today I sensed that the impact or focus on health care on technology, on infrastructure,
01:11On artificial intelligence
01:13And also, to invest in solutions, food and water for humanity, to talk about renewable energy, all these elements were present at the first session. okay
01:23Mohammed, I mean, before I conclude with you, let me ask you a little bit about, away from this conference and this initiative.
01:31Today, Saudi Arabia is witnessing at least two bus days in the past two days,
01:36the heads of state of the officials, an initiative launched through the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The atmosphere is more Saudi for what
01:43was presented to Saudi Arabia by officials and CEOs of these international banks.
01:48How do they find this great movement led by Saudi Arabia under the leadership of Prince Mohammed bin Salman?
01:57Yes, Hani, as you can see behind me, dozens of possible
02:01For many of the world's companies. We're talking about
02:05Five thousand participants and three hundred speakers came from China from Singapore, Hong Kong from
02:11London, from Frankfurt, from Los Angeles, from New York, from all over the globe. Their only goal is to touch where they can spend their money
02:21And also where they can get the funding. This kind of partnership seeks
02:25the future of investment initiative, specifically to be the link between these people
02:31these funds as well as finance students in the international markets.
02:36And I think it's the best platform today that you can work with. it is a platform in half a minute. Mohammed, if you allow me
02:45Also, how do they view this openness and great embrace
02:49by the Saudi to the world?
02:54Year after year, my colleague Hani, I mean, Saudi Arabia confirms that they have touched on the previous versions of this