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  • 3 years ago
00:00For tear gas. Thank you, our colleague with the request from the East Office in Khartoum.
00:11The dramatic events and arrests in Sudan started at dawn today and were among the detainees
00:17Prime Minister Abdullah Hamadoun K. This was confirmed by the Director of the Prime Minister's Office to the East
00:24I went this morning to Dr. Abdullah Hamdoun's house. I knew they took him to an unknown destination at 5:00 a.m
00:34with his wife Dr. Mona Abdullah
00:37We hold the rebels responsible for the safety of Dr. Abdullah Hamdoun
00:44In fact, the Sudanese people should know that it took place yesterday
00:49In a meeting that lasted until 8 p.m. between Al Burhan and Dr. Abdullah Hamdoun with shelling
01:00the presidential palace in the forces, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
01:07One of the directors of the office of the Sudanese Prime Minister to the East confirmed that Abdullah Hamad Ok met yesterday with the Chairman of the Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah Al-Marran
01:17After a meeting with the American envoy Jeffrey Feltman
01:20Three main points have been agreed for the next phase.
01:26After the celebration, shuttle meetings with the US envoy, there was a clear agreement on three points
01:33towards the elections, and specifically
01:36A day for the elections, a week for the elections in two thousand twenty three and two, setting a date for handing over
01:47the Council on the sovereignty of civilians, and three is to set a definite date next month
01:56to complete the transitional governing institutions.
01:59her turn
02:00In an interview with Al-Shar', the Sudanese Foreign Minister Mariam Al-Sadeq Al-Mahdi revealed the refusal to force Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdoun K to dissolve his government.
02:10pointing out that the government remains and will not be solved in this way
02:15Can't the prime minister be forced to dissolve his government on a charge he expects to be the leader of that government? The third, final and most serious issue
02:25that the solution of the government should be based on
02:28accusing it of being a partisan party that is the basis of nationalism and partisanship is the basis of democracy how will there be a democratic transition without disagreement ?
02:39Maryam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi considered that what happened in Sudan was an attack on the constitutional document.
02:46We clearly declare our rejection of any coup from any side, and under any justification, we announce that we will resist by all civilian means
02:55any coup on the constitutional document
02:57which came under the slogans of the people's revolution.