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  • 3 years ago
00:00Itself is a dangerous contamination in the soil
00:03In order to solve the problem of energy storage.
00:06Researchers at Lund University in Sweden believe that they have reached a solution
00:12It simulates a system of electrical conductors on the technical road of electric trains,
00:20However, the opposite is happening. This system will allow reducing the size of batteries by eighty percent.
00:27We still have a lot of work to do, because today there are a lot of means of transportation used for non-essential flights. Why are we getting on a plane to get as far as we can get on a train? Why do we have to take a plane shopping this weekend on the other side of the world? Clearly, there is considerable potential for improvement in the area of transport on the issue of practical application.
00:51What raises the question, do we have to give up nonessential travel? You may not like the answer And it might take that
01:00Deeper thinking about the possibilities of solutions and more than we might want. We may not be ready to give up our cars The ultimate solution may be to abandon independent means of transport in the vehicle. So some of those things really affect our core values and make us think. Do we have a right
01:20Are we really going to do this eventually?
01:25Yet, humans seem to be far from slowing down their way of life, and they want to do the opposite And there are other future transports that start to appear
01:35To move us faster and farther than ever.
01:45Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:47The hypertube technology, which he developed to the cohesion of 2013, which uses magnets to lift a capsule inside a vacuum tube
01:57People may be pushed up to 1,200 kilometers
02:01in one hour or seven hundred fifty miles an hour.
02:05In the near future, we may see the emergence of electric cars that are able to walk
02:14It's a unique vehicle with the ability to crawl or climb roadblocks
02:19help people who are difficult to reach in disaster-stricken areas and move them to safety despite the difficulty of the terrain.
02:30In the transportation sector. As in the energy and food sector, green technology can help us pave the way for a more used world
02:44Will science and technology alone be enough to ensure the future of the human race?
02:53At first we have to accept a very painful truth to realize that we may be.