...الربحية . الأسهم الأخرى تثير الاهتمام ان...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Profitability. The other shares are interesting because their machine, which is that not all people will recognize in it, but the investment funds follow them.
00:09lost about 37% for a period of only three months in the second quarter of
00:14This year. Mohammed Adel, thank you very much. Thank you. Every day there's a thrill in the market
00:23Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:45Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:08amid rising stock prices and more job opportunities and the growth of the global economy , the general public does not seem to feel that their lives have been positively affected
01:17in these economic conditions.
01:20According to a poll conducted by King Alastitiot, seventy seven percent of the people in twenty seven countries believe that their financial situation is still the same
01:29Or worse
01:31Despite the fact that most of them pointed out that the performance of their countries' economies now, although weak, is still better than it was in 2020.
01:40In general, the recovery of the economic indicators from the repercussions of the Corona pandemic
01:45accompanied by inflationary pressures. Therefore, the citizens feel that they are important, and they are behind the number
01:56Joining me now here in the studio is Yasser Abu Shaaban, a consultant in
02:00Welcome to Egypt, Yasser. Thank you again for your presence with us
02:04We are talking a little bit about the issue. We must talk about the intervention of itself. One day, inflation will be talked about. We must also talk about the issue of wages, which
02:13a factor of inflation before we talk about whether it is a slave that contributes to increasing inflation in the way that it is
02:23Let's see.
02:24by numbers
02:25There is a change in the structure of the labor market in general, after the pandemic, how do you see the structure of the labor market
02:34It is supposed that now we can have two basic changes. The first is to work from a distance in
02:43the works, which are considered a form, I mean, that require
02:47the higher competencies became the normal nature. Therefore, this market is now more competitive
02:56because it's possible that people were
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