...والتجاري أدت الى تضاعف اسعار المواد الغذ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00and the commercial one led to the doubling of the prices of basic foodstuffs , flour , oil and others .
00:07Also since August, unemployment has risen in Afghanistan
00:10due to the security instability and other reasons, such as the closure of neighboring Pakistan and Iran, Afghanistan, their borders
00:17Many Afghans were working in those two countries.
00:21All that remains to be done in Afghanistan is to collect plastic bottles and other garbage to sell for recycling.
00:31The situation is truly catastrophic
00:32According to the newspaper, which reported some of the conditions experienced by the Afghans, one of the women was forced to hand over her old child
00:42Only three years
00:43She could hand it over to a man from whom she had borrowed a sum of money because she could not pay the money.
00:51And if she doesn't pay back, he's gonna marry her daughter
00:55For one of his sons when the girl reaches puberty.
01:00The newspaper says that these tragedies show the danger of the aggravation of poverty in Afghanistan, which is a humanitarian crisis that is getting worse quickly
01:08After the Taliban seized power
01:10Washington freezes the assets of the Central Bank and stops foreign aid. and warns international organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross
01:18from linking humanitarian aid to the country
01:21the actions of the Taliban movement specifically towards the basic issues, allowing women to work and study, and calling on these organizations to provide aid
01:31No strings attached.
01:32The representative of the World Food Program in Afghanistan confirmed that the humanitarian crisis in this country is increasing at a record pace and speed
01:41calling on the international community to provide more
01:43from the support
01:52for you
01:53With us from Beirut, Mr. Iman Trabulsi, regional spokeswoman for the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Middle East and the Near East. Welcome Mrs. Radhia
02:01In other words, in the Eastern District, Mrs. Robinson, we talked about this case to the woman who had to hand over her daughter, who is only three years old
02:11For a man because she couldn't pay the money. The paper says
02:15This is a case of millions, perhaps, and the situation that is coming is even greater, as the newspaper says. two events there about this humanitarian situation
02:32Thank you for hosting. Zeinab is already very critical in Afghanistan. We're talking about a context that was already
02:39is suffering from violations for nearly forty years of conflicts, as is happening today
02:44it contributes to the further weakening of the basic sectors and more . To weaken the resilience of the population
02:52For years' waste, conflict and change
02:57Last one. Report of the Secretary-General