...يعني مغلق في البرلمان الايراني وحضره وزي...

  • 3 years ago
00:00closed in the Iranian parliament and attended by the Foreign Minister. I mean, among the things that were discussed, I mean, that they are currently being studied
00:09Action plan
00:12new for the negotiations. I mean, this talk is new. Iran wants to provide incentives to the other side.
00:22I mean, the plan of action
00:24New or new business model. You have some details based on cooperation,
00:31based on cooperation with the authorities
00:36the same relationship, whether inside the International Atomic Energy Agency, even on the European side and even other countries, considering
00:45Also to be witnesses and also precious to
00:50on the integrity of Iran's position. But there's a frame
00:54General, I mean, it is this framework, a repetition of the same four Iranian conditions. I mean, Iran
01:00First, it refuses to negotiate in order to negotiate. It does not want to engage in absurd negotiations that do not come out of it. Moreover, Iran
01:09demanded and also demanded,
01:11And I think he'll be adamant,
01:14demanding guarantees, I mean, demanding guarantees from the United States of America and the US Congress. I mean, he said that this issue cannot be legally legislated,
01:24Therefore, the plan did not materialize, and today Iran wants to
01:31Engage. the European side is also demanding guarantees from the side
01:35European. The third issue, Iran is currently not negotiating with regard to the missile system and the region. It says, we start from this
01:45this agreement from the 2015 agreement,
01:50And then at the same time, we put in place a mechanism to discuss hot issues and files, including the nuclear file
01:59and the file of the Iranian role
02:01Regional. These Iranian conditions, as I said, the Iranian side
02:10In fact, in recent times, we have had elections and the election of the president, and it has not been formed yet
02:18the negotiating team, therefore, it took a long time. I think I mean
02:23The negotiations will resume, I mean, starting from the negotiation with the European side, the European envoy visited us last week
02:33to set a timetable, but unfortunately, he did not mention
02:39to the Iranian side. What are the issues and agendas of the talks
02:44therefore, the Iranian side refused and said that we must continue, and we do not continue on this basis.
02:50the Iranian side will go, not Brussels today, Thursday, and these talks will resume
02:56What is required from the European side is to determine, I mean.