...اوروبا والاتحاد الاوروبي اعتمدت على أسوا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Europe and the European Union relied on gas markets and did not depend on
00:08futures contracts from this Russia. This is a fundamental point. It must be mentioned that Russia and the first supplier
00:15for gas for Europe, but there are some political problems. The third point, and the task that must be mentioned, is that
00:23There were policies two years ago. It is heading towards
00:27Non-renewable sources of energy, this is a stumbling block in this policy. Why the losses you've endured
00:35the governments of these countries as a result of the spread
00:38the corona pandemic did not make it continue and cannot continue to support this sector . This sector, which is the renewable energy sector
00:47depends mainly on the government's support
00:50whether with regard to energy projects or to energy devices. All these
00:55these governments, which suffered losses due to Corona, cannot continue. Therefore, we will witness changes
01:02in this policy and even the changes in expectations, and we will see that in the next conference next month, which will host Britain in the city of Glasgow.
01:12Doctor, why does the European Union not import gas from Russia, as you mentioned, especially that Russia is the most exporting country for gas
01:22To the European continent? I mean, what is it
01:26The problem now is between the European Union or the European countries and between Russia,
01:32Certainly, there is political tension, I mean, political tension, in which the United States played a role. Why? Because she threatened not to finish
01:41The so-called northern master
01:43Which he provides. This is the second pipeline to supply the Russian gas to Germany. America even imposed sanctions on the companies that contributed to it. This is a point.
01:53The second point that
01:54It must be mentioned that there was no expectation of this crisis in gas,
02:00Gas prices have jumped more than fivefold in the past eight weeks. This is the second point that
02:08There must be, but there were American promises
02:11to provide the European Union with American gas. American companies preferred Asia, why? Because the prices are there
02:18much more than the prices, the sales in
02:21in the European Union, which made these steps to increase this crisis.
02:27The problem with Russia must be solved. Why? Because Russia is the first supplier
02:32for the European Union of Natural Gas.
02:36Yes, Doctor, I mean, a state, I mean, after a state, there will be a crisis in the first day. Spain has declared that
02:43the coming is worse with regard to the energy supply crisis to Europe.
02:47Okay, what exactly is going on? Is it possible that the European countries put aside the political part and turn
02:56Imported from Russia?