...محاولة للتدخل الأجنبي . وتساءل عما يعنيه...

  • 3 years ago
00:00An attempt at foreign interference. He wondered what it meant to include once in Tunisia on the agenda of foreign parliaments
00:07I intend to do so with the U.S. Congress.
00:10On the 15th of October, the Tunisian President decided to exempt all members of the parliament's frozen parliament speaker Rashid Al-Ghannouchi from their duties
00:19The exemption included five senior advisers
00:22to the speaker of the parliament. For its part, the Tunisian Union of Labor commented on the foreign interventions, considering them harmful to the national sovereignty
00:32he warned of the continuation of the exceptional measures
00:35Imposed by Said.
00:38Algeria commemorated the 60th anniversary of the massacre of October 17th, 1961, which was committed by the French police in Paris
00:47against Algerian immigrants demonstrators
00:51They demanded freedom and independence. According to Algerian historians, more than three hundred Algerians fell in this massacre
00:59of the demonstrators, including women and children,
01:03Others were handcuffed and subjected to police violence, according to the same sources.
01:12On the sixtieth anniversary of the massacre, the President of the Algerian Parliament Ibrahim Ghali confirmed that the humanitarian crimes
01:18The wars of extermination and torture cannot die by statute of limitations, nor by prevarication
01:25And the cons, in his own words.
01:27that humanitarian crimes, genocide, torture, displacement and displacement can die by statute of limitations
01:37or through negotiations and deceptions, or through the exploitation of the people
01:43or the irresponsible outputs that do not give weight to history, but seek to mislead, distort, and steal
01:53Facts and facts
01:55and events
01:56Static. It has been proven once again that the investor
02:01He doesn't memorize the Druze, he doesn't learn the lessons, he still sings the broken records
02:10that praise the treasury's pages of shame and stab in the history.
02:17On the one hand, the French President Manuel Micron denounced this massacre, where the French presidency considered in a statement
02:25that the crimes committed against the Algerians between two years
02:29one thousand or in nineteen sixty one under the authority of Maurice Féon, and it is unforgivable. The statement also confirmed
02:38that France clearly looks at its entire history and recognizes its specific responsibility
02:45And duties on them.
02:48After fifty nine years of independence, the Algerians are still waiting for a confession and an apology from Paris
02:57on the crimes committed by France during the occupation.