...الرئيس الاميركي الاسبق باراك اوباما و مع...

  • 3 years ago
00:00former US President Barack Obama and with us from Khartoum via satellite. Mr. Faisal Shabo, Member of the Central Coordinating Committee of the Forces for Freedom and Change
00:09Representative of Sudanese civil society organizations. You're most welcome
00:25If we start with my guest from Florida, Mrs. Al-Akhdar, I mean, I want to ask, I mean, how can the American orientation towards supporting civilians affect
00:35on the split that prevails in Sudan between the civilian and military components? Do
00:41will give a horizon for a solution in this problem and thus facilitate Sudan to safety?
00:52Thank you very much for hosting my greetings to you to the guest for the viewers. Yes, I think that the American support for Sudan is important
01:00We must consider this important, of course, with the lifting of the sanctions since two years after
01:10normalization of relations between sudan and israel with economic and humanitarian aid to the people
01:18the Sudanese people, but there was also
01:23imposed by the International Monetary Fund. There is also the popular suffering in Sudan with this suffering in the region. And on top of that
01:32We see this shock, but also what interests us is what is happening in this country in this region of Africa
01:41And on September 6th, there was this disagreement in Guinea
01:47And also these trends that we see are increasing
01:54in Africa with these military attempts to overthrow and seize power
02:00In Guinea this was the third attempt. It's shocking and it worries us.
02:07We must focus on these trends in the world and of course in the region
02:13in order to see what will happen in Sudan, and we hope that things will get out of hand. There are people who need me
02:21in the streets, and there is this fog now, and this mystery
02:27in the popular ranks, which perhaps the people are calling for military rule, but the people want hope
02:34And he probably surrendered and said, “So a Muslim ordered
02:39for this change in power because the people are afraid of what they see.
02:44afraid of this lost confidence in the ranks of the Sudanese people
02:49With regard to this authoritarian transition. Of course, there are these economic efforts that raise questions about now, but there is this message now
02:57The Sudanese people have a life