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  • 3 years ago
00:00Thus, the producer and consumer join it to absorb rich places and people have money for investments to solve the problem.
00:09I want to remember the world before, all this is not the first time.
00:12when we reached one hundred forty eight dollars around the second number one hundred forty eight and a half dollars per barrel
00:19We have inflation. We have a direct global financial crisis.
00:23If it is not solved today by our hands, tomorrow, the solution will be through more investments in the energy sector, especially renewable energy.
00:33Activate and fast
00:34It leads the Eastern Mediterranean. Yes
00:37Allow me to move to a final question due to the lack of time for my guest from Moscow, Dr. Andre, in light of these facts and this ongoing energy crisis in Europe in particular. Do you think that
00:49Gazprom will seek to raise the prices of gas to be exported to Europe to China and Turkey.
01:05Gazprom is a trading company
01:13and it signs agreements
01:16which should not bring harm to the gas company or to
01:27This is what President Putin talked about. We will sign agreements, but they should not harm
01:37Let's go. but
01:39The main thing is that gas and Gazprom consider
01:45One of the most trusted companies
01:50No cases of doubt have been heard and will be signed
02:00agreements on the basis of mutual benefit, which are compatible with the parties that sign
02:09These agreements.
02:11Naturally, the increase in prices can be or will be, but it will be
02:18Satisfactory for even the consumer and the product.
02:22Thank you. Dr. Andrea Kush was the head of the Department of Political Science at the University of Khanova, Russian Economic University. You were with us from Moscow. I thank Mr. Berlin
02:31Gunter Moloch, former German diplomat, and I thank from Cairo Dr. Hassan Al-Khouli
02:36Expert in energy economies. Thank you all very much.
02:41Therefore, after benefiting from this discussion in tonight's file, the guests concluded that the success of the world in achieving stability in the energy markets depends on controlling the volume of demand and benefiting
02:51from other sources other than Russia and the best European approach to resolve this crisis
02:57Abram is the European side. conventions