...الليبي بشقيه طبعا القانون لدينا تجربة...

  • 3 years ago
00:00of course the Libyan law. We have an experience
00:04I think that the law is not very effective even if it is a big name, but the content
00:10Effectiveness is low, I'm giving an example. Mr. Aguila Saleh has been punished by the US State Department since
00:18November 2016
00:21These sanctions are renewed to this day, and Aqila Saleh has not been affected by these sanctions. What's the point? This is the law of the stability of Libya
00:31to impose sanctions on the Libyans who do not have assets, funds and property in the United States of America
00:38And they have their money, which they looted abroad, if it was in the accounts of Arab countries or countries other than the United States of America,
00:47I think that there is a large content. The title is big.
00:50those who carry Libyans who have US nationality and have money in the United States of America may be affected. As for the Libyans who
00:57does not carry the American nationality and they do not have money in the United States of America and accounts
01:02they will not be affected as the wife of Saleh was not affected. The elections are the most important part in order for everyone to be satisfied with them and be convincing for everyone.
01:11is to have a large international control.
01:14Yes, there is a foreign international observer in every election center so that there will be no manipulation of the results,
01:23And I tell you, my dear sir, according to the figures of the High Commission for the elections
01:28that the number of voters in the areas outside the control of Khalifah Haftar represents two million out of
01:37of 2.8 million
01:40The fear is that Camp Haftar rejects the results of the elections because the vast majority of voters
01:47he is outside his car or the iraqi foreign ministry .
01:50We stop here Dr. Khaled Al-Torgoman. In the same context, the members of the military committee, five plus one, agreed in Geneva
02:00on a comprehensive plan of action
02:02to get the mercenaries out. The details were quoted by the media as they begin to withdraw the forces to agreed upon points.
02:10Participation of observers
02:13the international community will play a big role in making sure of the implementation of the plan. Do you expect the efforts to expel mercenaries and troops to succeed
02:23Foreign before the election? And did
02:25Will the failure of these efforts affect the chances of holding the elections and recognizing their results? foreign forces and elections is a title
02:34Tricky and important, actually
02:36Without a doubt, it is a very important issue, especially the military agreement at five to five
02:44It seemed to start their talks in Hurghada
02:48It is noteworthy that the United Nations welcomed these resolutions in Geneva six years ago
02:57And with the courage to take it
02:59I am.