...أميركا ما سيترك للأميركيين بدخل اضافي أق...

  • 3 years ago
00:00America will not be left to the Americans with less additional income
00:04Al's on their exports. So does this mean
00:24We will watch the news of the East in a short while
00:33Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:48Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:52in our last file from the eastern district we go to sudan there . At the beginning of this month, the crack happened between the civil component
01:01In the Sudanese government, when dissidents from the Coalition of Forces for Freedom and Change signed a new charter to unify the forces of freedom and change,
01:10and called itself the reform group, which includes
01:15several parties and movements on the peace front, topped by the Sudanese Baath Party and the two movements of the liberation of Sudan, justice and equality.
01:24the split of these parties from the coalition of the forces of freedom and change
01:28is a step that was criticized by political parties such as the gathering of professionals who saw that such a step might create a legal and constitutional crisis in the country.
01:38In an attempt to bridge the divide between the two wings of the forces of freedom and change,
01:43Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdoun had proposed holding a meeting between representatives of the two councils
01:49as a matter of the necessity of reunion and reaching understandings in order to
01:53to achieve the democratic transition. But it was either a proposal or a proposal by Hamad that was rejected by both sides.
02:01This comes at a time when differences are already deepening between the civilian and military components that share the transitional phase in Sudan.
02:11A few days ago, the Chairman of the Sovereign Council, Abdel Fattah Al-Barhan, called
02:15to dissolve the government to get out of the current political crisis. Yesterday, two sources in the Sudanese government said that the General Intelligence Service
02:24travel ban imposed on eleven people
02:28They are members of a committee overseeing the country's transition to democracy, most of whom are members of the committee charged with
02:35by dismantling the financial and political legacy of Al-Bashir.
02:39News denied by the Sudanese intelligence service, saying that the service is an institution that abides by its tasks, according to what was stipulated in the constitutional document
02:49It has nothing to do with the prohibitions.
02:51The tensions of the transitional government in Khartoum are further complicated by the crisis of the east Sudan crisis and the closures that