...الدولة يسعى للحصول على هذا الربح ، القلي...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the state seeks to obtain this profit. Few people who are patriotic protect from resorting to means of incitement
00:09But the means are God
00:11The right one to fight incitement, smuggling, the same price has provided the lucrative price to the product
00:19So he doesn't have to look for
00:22I am profiting through illegal means. I think that we have an issue of Omar's policies, how to issue
00:31Official channels
00:34the service is provided in a completely safe and meaningful way to the citizen who can deal with these channels
00:43Without the risk,
00:45The pursuit of profit through illegal means. I think it's up to us to a great extent
00:54But even in very powerful countries
00:56it was not the United States, nor in Russia, nor in any country to talk about it. In the end, there's a smuggler's editor, there's gangs
01:06You can't beat crime
01:08develops with this technical development about human development. Therefore, you cannot put the place of crime zero, but
01:17all the nine countries that
01:19Reduction of crime in her country on an ongoing basis
01:24with the minister . A short break, and then we will return to the last part with your Excellency. A short break, dear viewers
01:29Back in orbit. Wait for us
01:38I am
01:50In local and global markets, what are the expectations and prospects for business and finance?
01:59Time is of the essence
02:01What will happen with Iran? It is important and dangerous and has big repercussions on the region and on the world economy as well
02:08and following up indicators in the east with Mohammed Fathi
02:12Political and security issues come at a time when the Jordanian economy is suffering from a dependence that reminds us of all sectors
02:22And a summary of it
02:23about the most important developments in the economic world. The great day
02:32Sunday through Thursday
02:44A decision that raises the alarm for the refugees in Germany and those who are waiting for their arrival there