
  • 3 years ago
00:06I am.
00:26Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:30I am.
00:39Iranian maneuvers on the borders of Azerbaijan and other Turkish-Azerbaijani maneuvers in the opposite bank in the region of Buvannakhichevan.
00:48A field acceleration was followed by a warning from Tehran
00:53from the consequences of the use of Israel and extremist groups or any geopolitical change
00:59in an unprecedented tension in the region since the battles near Bach, which were cut off
01:03the supply routes between Armenia and Iran after it became under the control of Azerbaijan.
01:09What is happening specifically between Iran and Azerbaijan? What does the Turkish participation in these maneuvers mean at this time?
01:18Has the conflict of influence in the Caucasus and Central Asia come to the test of military power again?
01:24This is highlighted in this week's border episode.
01:28Welcome aboard
01:43Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:45To discuss this week's file from the border. I welcome my honorable guests from Tehran
01:52Former diplomat and Director of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Mr. Amir Moussaoui. welcome to you and from baku
02:00Deputy in the Azerbaijani Parliament, Mr. Ji Hon Mamedov. Welcome, and from Istanbul, political writer Mr. Firaszlatrizvan Oglu. Hello and welcome.
02:09I will start this discussion with all of you my honorable guests, but after we review this report, we will continue with you
02:17Under the support of helicopters, drones, and electronic warfare units, Tehran launches maneuvers on the border with Azerbaijan
02:27an unprecedented development since three decades. President Ilham Aliyev says
02:33which doubted its timing before the accusation returned Iranian trucks
02:38violating the sovereignty of his country in its crossing to the area of Jawdakah Bach.
02:43The first time witnessed a second verbal warning, an official memorandum, and the third, the bulletin of checkpoints, the border guards, customs, and police
02:52which led to the suspension of the arrival of trucks from Iran.
02:55Why did you perform this maneuver now? Why on our border? That's not my question.