...ايضا من الامارات العربية المتحدة ، صمم م...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Also from the United Arab Emirates, Emirati engineers were designed in cooperation with American universities
00:06The artificial hope probe that will orbit the red planet for two years,
00:12their mission is to record the data from several sources,
00:19Including heat, wind, steam, water and dust
00:22to ensure a better understanding of the dynamic phenomena that affect the climate of Mars and its atmosphere.
00:30The arrival of the Hope Probe to Mars coincided in 2021
00:35with the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the United Arab Emirates, and this made it a very symbolic mission
00:43confirm that the United Arab Emirates
00:45It is the first Arab country to send a spacecraft to another planet
00:57On the European side, the European Space Agency and its Russian partner, Los Cosmos
01:04Preparing to send Rosa Linda Franklin's Rover.
01:08And as part of the XO Mars program,
01:11This was supposed to be done in 2020,
01:17However, its launch to Mars was postponed until 2020 due to various technical problems
01:23Especially with parachutes and landing gear. The robot built by the European Space Agency will be used to find signs of a past life in the sleepless Oxylia Basin
01:35equipped with a drill capable of drilling to a depth of two meters. And the robot can pick up soil samples
01:44It was not affected by the cosmic radiation that constantly affected the Martian surface
01:49We discovered Mars
01:57And we found evidence
02:00On extinction or even having a life below the surface on it. And we were able to prove that life had nothing to do with life here
02:09On the ground,
02:10That is, life did not cross space in rocks to hit another planet.
02:17If we find a second independent strain on Mars, we'll know there's life everywhere. Life will be widespread. If I get two different origins to live in one solar system
02:32You will know that this is happening everywhere if life were able to colonize multiple planets in our solar system.
02:39Couldn't it be on other planets across the universe?
02:44in two thousand nineteen. This is the Swiss researchers, Libya, K. Loz, and Michel Ma York.
02:50Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery in 1995
02:56The first planet orbits a star other than our sun