...آه قبل الكشف عن الجناة ، ما الذي يدفع عل...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Ah, before revealing the perpetrators, what makes you think the government is failing to reveal the truth in these cases?
00:08Of course, the government is not only this government, even the successive governments do not forget that Iraq, as I told you, is ranked first in terms of the collective and the missing.
00:18Iraq includes the remains or the operation of mass graves, more than two hundred fifty
00:23A mass grave including more than one hundred fifty belonging to the former regime. The system that
00:30to control the reins of power, for example, three hundred sixty to the year two thousand three,
00:35The Iraqi-Iranian war alone has more than four hundred thousand missing. The war of the invasion of Kuwait also includes more than five thousand missing,
00:44the government war which started with the government
00:48the government has mass graves in which it targeted all the opponents since the year '68 of 2000 and I tell you one of the year 2000
00:57Could be
00:58less than six hundred thousand of the Iraqi people. After the period of 2003, there was also
01:06Large and many campaigns, unjust and criminal
01:10only for the absence of operations in Mosul during 2014. The terrorist ISIS organization is missing more than eight thousand
01:17In Salah Al-Din province, there may be more than twenty thousand,
01:20Therefore, the killing, torture, kidnapping, death, assassination and planning operations. What operations? Almost there
01:27It's consistent, it's slightly different, it's also different.
01:32Therefore, I think that the government side, the ruling side, may be facing some problems and some difficulties, the direction of the process of real and complete disclosure
01:42in a way that guarantees the rights of the missing and the missing.
01:45Yes, well, Mr. Fadil, stay with me, so we can talk about the issue of
01:50The assassination and the incident of Hisham Al-Hashimi with Mr. Ghaith, you were in contact with him
01:55Before the assassination, what was Mr. Hisham Al-Hashimi afraid of? Was there a destination he was referring to
02:04Good evening. Greetings to you, to the viewers, and to the honorable brother Mr. Bakhtiyal Abu Bakrieghif
02:11Hisham Al-Hashimi works in the field of information and follow-up of armed groups, jihadist and terrorist groups, and others.
02:22and provided large services to the security, intelligence, intelligence and anti-terrorism services in Iraq.
02:30recently he started to have problems with the armed groups in iraq and specifically the factions that call themselves the resistance factions
02:41I am
02:43especially from a price that talks about the formation of
02:46the institutions of the popular mobilization and the formation of individuals or groups that form and doctrine
02:54the factions that are in iraq prepare them and finance them .