• 4 years ago
Melodic Lullaby (Jazz Trio Version) Official Videoメロディックな子守唄 (Cute Kittens in video !)
Do you like when it comes time to rest after a tiring day? So, let yourself be pampered by the notes of this sweet lullaby with a jazz flavor. Feel free to write me in the comments what feelings it gave you or what emotions you felt while listening.
The song can also be listened to on other streaming music platforms. Below you can find the links to access:
If you want to contact me you can write to me at:
You can listen to this and many other songs on:
Spotify ► https: //open.spotify.com/artist/5XBzT ...
Deezer ► https: //deezer.page.link/4NCgHkDnvKgZ ...
Apple Music ► https: //music.apple.com/us/artist/rel ...
Amazon Music ►https: //music.amazon.it/artists/B08XF ...

Melodica Ninna-Nanna (Versione Jazz trio) Video Ufficiale AJP Relaxing Jazz Piano
Ti piace quando arriva il momento di riposarsi dopo una giornata faticosa ? Allora,fatti coccolare dalle note di questa dolce ninna nanna dal sapore jazz. Sentiti libero di scrivermi nei commenti che sensazioni ti ha dato o che emozioni hai provato durante l'ascolto.
Il brano , può essere ascoltato anche su altre piattaforme musicali di streaming. Qui sotto potete trovare i link per accedere:
Se volete contattarmi potete scrivermi a :
Potete ascoltare questa e molte altre canzoni su :
Spotify ► https://open.spotify.com/artist/5XBzT...
Deezer ► https://deezer.page.link/4NCgHkDnvKgZ...
Apple Music ► https://music.apple.com/us/artist/rel...
Amazon Music ►https://music.amazon.it/artists/B08XF...

Vous aimez quand vient le temps de vous reposer après une journée fatigante ? Alors, laissez-vous dorloter par les notes de cette douce berceuse à saveur de jazz. N'hésitez pas à m'écrire dans les commentaires quels sentiments cela vous a procurés ou quelles émotions vous avez ressenties en écoutant.
La chanson peut également être écoutée sur d'autres plateformes de musique en streaming. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les liens pour y accéder : Si vous souhaitez me contacter, vous pouvez m'écrire à :
Spotify ► https: //open.spotify.com/artist/5XBzT ...
Deezer ► https: //deezer.page.link/4NCgHkDnvKgZ ...
Apple Music ► https: //music.apple.com/us/artist/rel ...
Amazon Music ►https: //music.amazon.it/artists/B08XF ...


