• 4 years ago
Leaves in the Wind by AJP Relaxing Jazz Piano
What sensation does it give you to see the light leaves of the trees being carried by the wind? Listen to this song that I composed trying to recreate this particular atmosphere.The song, played on the piano, can also be listened to on other streaming music platforms. Below you can find the links to access: If you wish to contact me you can do so by writing to me at: ajprelaxingjazzpiano@gmail.com
You can listen this and more songs on :
Spotify ► https://open.spotify.com/artist/5XBzT...
Deezer ► https://deezer.page.link/4NCgHkDnvKgZ...
Apple Music ► https://music.apple.com/us/artist/rel...
Amazon Music ►https://music.amazon.it/artists/B08XF...

Leaves in the Wind by AJP Relaxing Jazz Piano
Quelle sensation cela vous procure-t-il de voir les feuilles légères des arbres être portées par le vent ? Écoutez cette chanson que j'ai composée en essayant de recréer cette atmosphère particulière.La chanson, jouée au piano, peut également être écoutée sur d'autres plateformes de musique en streaming. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les liens pour y accéder : Si vous souhaitez me contacter, vous pouvez m'écrire à : ajprelaxingjazzpiano@gmail.com
Vous pouvez écouter cette chanson et bien d'autres sur :
Spotify ► https://open.spotify.com/artist/5XBzT...
Deezer ► https://deezer.page.link/4NCgHkDnvKgZ...
Apple Music ► https://music.apple.com/us/artist/rel...
Amazon Music ►https://music.amazon.it/artists/B08XF...

Leaves in the Wind by AJP Relaxing Jazz Piano
Che sensazione ti dà vedere le foglie leggere degli alberi che vengono trasportate dal vento? Ascolta questo brano che ho composto cercando di ricreare questa particolare atmosfera . Il brano , suonato al pianoforte può essere ascoltato anche su altre piattaforme musicali di streaming. Qui sotto potete trovare i link per accedere: Se volete contattarmi potete scrivermi a : ajprelaxingjazzpiano@gmail.com
Potete ascoltare questa e molte altre canzoni su :
Spotify ► https://open.spotify.com/artist/5XBzT...
Deezer ► https://deezer.page.link/4NCgHkDnvKgZ...
Apple Music ► https://music.apple.com/us/artist/rel...
Amazon Music ►https://music.amazon.it/artists/B08XF...

風に舞う葉 by AJP relaxing Jazz Piano
Spotify ► https://open.spotify.com/artist/5XBzT...
Deezer ► https://deezer.page.link/4NCgHkDnvKgZ...
Apple Music ► https://music.apple.com/us/artist/rel...
Amazon Music ►https://music.amazon.it/artists/B08XF...


