ولادة باريس الثانية

  • 3 years ago
00:00And we see that there's a time of day when there's a shadow
00:04As short as possible, and at this time, the sun is in the geographic south
00:10at its highest levels. And from here, the Babylonian astronomers were standing tall, and from this scale
00:20He deduced indicators such as latitudes
00:23And the slope and the length of the seasons and the coup d'état and so forth.
00:30Someone's shadow appears to descend that the Earth orbits itself and around the Sun with a tilted axis of rotation.
00:37It's this tilt that's causing the sun's rise to change during the year
00:41Thus, it causes the phenomenon of the succession of seasons.
00:46Babylonian astronomers have observed that the sun in the winter solstice is at its lowest level in the sky and produces a very long shadow
00:55And at the summer solstice
00:57The sun is at its highest altitude and thus produces a very short shadow.
01:04Scientists have also observed two periods during the year in which the length of the day is equal to the length of the night These are the considerations.
01:14Thus, coups and moderation do not divide the year into four periods of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
01:24They started to understand this cycle completely, and time quickly became a major issue
01:32It allows for the prediction of phenomena, the organization of society, social life and economic life.
01:39Since the moment we can control time, the year of human control,
01:46Therefore, ancient civilizations such as Babylonian or Egyptian
01:54Its role was limited to describing phenomena that can be observed.
01:58Greek scientists and philosophers did not enter
02:01A new stage in the time industry until the fifth century B.C.
02:17The world lifted Khartoum from the lists of terrorism, prevention and punishment, but it did not lift the suffering of the Sudanese from the ground
02:24And it didn't pump unless instead of what the good people have been deprived of for decades. The question remains
02:30How can Sudan's economy, wealth and blood be saved
02:36In orbit? We know the details of the Sudanese Minister of Finance and Planning, His Excellency Minister Jibril Ibrahim. Welcome.
02:42Tell us about Sudan's economy. beyond seven inflation in decline and has become clear in stability. Goods are still in the price of currency
02:51that this situation will continue, God willing, in the right direction after Sudan was removed from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism and after the cancellation of the Paris Club more than