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  • 3 years ago
00:00the number and economy of the world linked to the dollar and its political and military repercussions
00:17A new battle with an old stamp. Republican and Democratic party members are in intensive talks
00:26to raise the ceiling of public debt
00:28and spare the country the crisis of defaulting on debts . Talks ended with an agreement on extending the debt ceiling
00:36until next December.
00:38The end of the talks did not end the crisis, which will have repercussions on the US economy, politics and national security.
00:47according to the Ministry of Defense.
00:52in January of the year two thousand nineteen. the american city of detroit ignites anger with the continuation of the federal closure .
01:01Key parts of the government
01:02its doors were closed for thirty five days, at which time the United States knew the longest period of government closure in its history.
01:12Today, there are fears of the repetition of the same scene in light of a health pandemic that caused economic losses and damage. Dark script
01:21Drawn by the American Treasury
01:23In case Congress fails
01:24by raising the ceiling of public debt. If the Congress did not take measures to raise or suspend the debt ceiling by October 18,
01:34The U.S. Treasury will have very limited and rapidly depleted cash liquidity. U.S. to give up debt repayment
01:43This will affect their credit rating.
01:46The fragile recovery we've made in the wake of the pandemic will fade, and we'll lose millions of jobs, and we'll suffer the consequences
01:54For a long time
01:56to avoid that, and more than that, the administration is demanding to raise the minimum level
02:00the amount of public debt, which is set at about twenty eight trillion dollars. Intensive negotiations are taking place in the corridors of Congress
02:08to reach a settlement with the Republicans.
02:11the country avoided a debt repayment crisis . The likely settlement provides for a short-term suspension that ends next December
02:18instead of December of 2020
02:21Democrats are also meeting countries around the world awaiting these negotiations. The size of borrowing by the US government is the largest in the world
02:30and a disorder in its debts or its ability to meet its obligations
02:33threatens to blow up dior international bubble . Moody's went further and warned of a global financial crisis
02:42similar to the crisis of 2008.
02:44The US Department of Defense raised the ceiling of fears and warned of consequences on national security in case Washington fails to meet Sadat
02:54which means that nearly two million four hundred thousand retired military men
02:58They're not gonna get paid